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Sixth Grade

Our Sixth Grade Curriculum is as follows:

English Language Arts
Classroom Teacher: Ms. Callie Moore and Mr. Colton Brown
Sixth Grade English Language Arts (ELA) focuses on developing student’s reading and writing skills. Through reading novels, articles, and poetry students will learn how to analyze, compare/contrast, and evaluate the texts. Students will be reading Wonder, Number the Stars, Tuck Everlasting, short stories, and poetry. Students will engage in reading complementary articles and stories with each primary text and will relate discussions to historical or scientific units of study. In our English study, students will use the Prentice Hall Grammar and Writing (2008) textbook in combination with the Voyages Exercises in English textbook. They will write literary analyses, as well as, narrative, persuasive, and informative essays. Through the writing process students will also develop grammar skills to become better writers.

World History 
Classroom Teacher: Ms. Callie Moore 
World History explores the history of the world from Early Humans and Societies to the modern World. Emphasis on the culture, geography, and history of civilizations is stressed.  Social studies skills such as map reading, uses of primary and secondary sources, and writing are emphasized.  Interactive resources, biography, and videos are components of the series used.
Text:  Holt McDougal "World History" 2012 ed.
Extensive online material through the History Channel is part of the text as well.
Supplemental Resources: Interactive online resources for students (; Junior Scholastic Magazine

Classroom Teacher: Mrs. Nicole Wilson
The 6th graders will apply their elementary skills to connect ratios and rates to whole number multiplication, division and word problems; using the Sadlier Oxford Progress in Mathematics series to support their learning.  They will understand division of fractions and extend this notion to the system of rational numbers (fractions, decimals and negative numbers).  Students will write, interpret expressions and equations and apply this concept to real world situations. Students will develop an understanding to statistical and critical thinking through multiple graph and media displays.  Throughout the school year, students will challenge their math skills through weekly essentials.  Multiple problems that make students review their skills and think outside the box...outside the traditional curriculum.

Classroom Teacher: Mr. Colton Brown 
Sixth Grade religion focuses on the Old Testament to increase students' knowledge of salvation history as it is revealed in Sacred Scripture. Students will look at the biblical books of Law, History, Wisdom, and Prophets from spiritual, historical, and literary perspectives. The goal of the class is to help students respond in faith, hope, and love to God as they see His providential care for the whole human race since the beginning of time. Beginning in the sixth grade year, middle school students will summarize and reflect weekly on the four Bible readings that we hear at every Sunday Mass in the Liturgy of the Word.
Texts: New American Bible, Revised Edition

Classroom Teacher: Mrs. Mythily Isaac
We will follow integrated science in sixth grade, using the iScience (2016) series by McGraw Hill. Students will learn about matter, technology skills, astronomy, ecology, and physical science. I will use interactive notebook. Students will learn note taking skills, reasoning, critical thinking skills, typing lab reports, and team work. Students are expected to come prepared to class for review quiz every day. Students will take a chapter test at the end of each chapter followed by hands on lab activity. Students will have a major STREAM project this year. Sixth grade curriculum is truly spectacular and ignites curiosity in young minds.