Fifth Grade
Fifth Grade
Our Fifth Grade Curriculum is as follows:
Sacraments are of major focus in Fifth Grade, especially the Eucharist, which is the center of Christian life. The program also takes an in-depth look at the 5 parts of the Mass: Introductory Rites, Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist, Communion Rite, and Concluding Rites. Students are introduced to everyone’s call to holiness through vocations. Students use the Bible to reference scripture, and they have an opportunity to prepare for prayer services and class liturgies. In January, Family Life is taught through the Church teachings, the religion text, and the Benziger Family Life Series.
Workbook: Loyola Press, Christ Our Life, 2009
Workbook: Benziger Publishing Co., Benziger Family Life, 2011
Learning Experiences: Liturgy and Prayer Services, Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl
Language Arts
The Fifth Grade language arts curriculum focuses on studying the eight parts of speech and writing, which includes letter writing and mechanics. Speaking and listening skills are also part of the program. Vocabulary consists of the study of key words presented in units, divided to teach definitions, matching the meaning, synonyms and antonyms, completing the sentence, and word association. The curriculum also includes Spelling, which is taught in a phonetic and sequential manner.
The writing curriculum includes, but is not limited to:
- Write using the narrative, expository, and persuasive writing genres
- Write proper paragraphs with a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence
- Write 3 paragraph narratives with a beginning , middle, and end
- Write 5 paragraph essays
- Write Friendly and Business Letters
- Learn to write different forms of Poetry
- Experience Journal writing
Spelling Workbook: Zaner-Bloser, Spelling Connections, 2016
Grammar Workbook: Sadlier, Grammar Workshop, Level Blue, 2013
Vocabulary Workbook: Sadlier, Vocabulary Workshop Enriched Edition, Level Blue, 2011
Writing Textbook: Zaner-Bloser, Strategies For Writers, 2015
The Fifth Grade reading curriculum is designed to expose students to a variety of genre through the basal reader while developing and reinforcing skill that include, but are not limited to, inference, main idea, cause and effect, and fact and opinion.
Reading Text: McGraw-Hill Reading, 2001
Reading Workbook: Sadlier School, Common Core Progress English Language Arts, 2014
Supplemental Materials: Scholastic News Magazines and Novels
Sadlier Math provides the rigor and student engagement that students need to be successful. This approach to elementary math is fully aligned with the state standards and mathematical practices. Critical Thinking activities connect learning to real world problem solving.
The curriculum includes, but is not limited to:
- Place Value, Addition, and Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- Fractions: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division
- Decimals: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division
Workbook: Sadlier-Oxford, Progress in Mathematics, 2014
Workbook: Sadlier-Oxford, Progress in Mathematics Critical Thinking For Active Math Minds, 2008
The Fifth Grade science curriculum includes the following: Life Science, Earth and Space Science, Physical Science, and developing the concept of the scientific process. Students participate in a variety of hands-on activities that are designed to reinforce the concepts presented in the units of study.
Text: McGraw-Hill, InspireScience: Science Handbook Student Research Tool, Grades 4—5, 2017
Workbook: McGraw-Hill, InspireScience Be a Scientist Notebook Student Journal, 2017
Social Studies
The Fifth Grade social studies curriculum focuses on the geographic regions of the United States, Canada, Mexico and selected countries of Central America, from new world exploration and colonization through modern times. The curriculum incorporates
the goals and objectives of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study, the National Standards for Social Studies, as well as Catholic ideals of citizenship; civics and government; history; geography; economics; cultures; customs and diversity.
Workbook: Harcourt Social Studies North Carolina: Grade 5 US/Canada/Mexico/Central America, 2009