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Eighth Grade Activities

Eighth Grade Guidance meets once a week with Mrs. Hardy, Guidance Services Director.

Examples of topics covered and material used include:

  1. Setting SMART Goals for 8th Grade and Beyond
  2. Choose A Winning Attitude
  3. Building Resilience
  4. High School Preparation – GPA, QPA Course Levels
  5. High School Preparation – Planning Ahead – HS Resume, Educational Planner
  6. HS Facts Jeopardy
  7. College Comparisons & Admissions Decisions
  8. Career Key Assessment
  9. Catch My Breath - Vaping Prevention Program
  10. Drug Facts Workbooks
  11. Substance Abuse Trends in Teens
  12. “Natural High” Series
  13. Lessons in Leadership – Respect and Responsibility
  14. Stress: The Good, Bad and Healthy
  15. Facing Prejudice Skits & Discussion
  16. Touch Safety/Internet Safety Program
  17. Bishop Barron – Why Dr. King Still Matters Today
  18. Conflict Resolution Skits and Discussion
  19. Multicultural Bingo
  20. Teaching Tolerance DVD – Holocaust Survivors
  21. Middle School Career Day
  22. Career Bingo IV
  23. Career Planning and Survey
  24. Dream Big, Work Hard Workbooks
  25. Study Skills and Top Ten Tips for High School