Seventh Grade Activities
Seventh Grade Guidance meets once a week with Mrs. Hardy, Guidance Services Director.
Examples of topics covered and material used include:
1. 7 th Grade Success Workbook – Organization, Time Management and Study Smart
2. 7 th Grade Success Workbook – Writing Papers, Test Taking Skills and Class Success
3. 7 th Grade Success Workbook – Career Exploration
4. 7 th Grade Success Workbook – Setting Goals
5. 7 th Grade Success Workbook – Developing a Growth Mindset
6. 7 th Grade Success Workbook – Building Self-Esteem
7. 7 th Grade Success Workbook – Social-Emotional Learning
8. 7 th Grade Success Workbook – Taking Care of Your Mental Health
9. Stress Management
10. Catch My Breath - Vaping Prevention Program
11. Project Alert Drug Education Program
12. Drug Awareness Jeopardy
11. “Natural High”- 4
12. Character Counts - Gratitude
13. Maya Angelou Quotes
14. Citizenship and Laudato Si
15. Bullying in Schools Book-Part I
16. Bullying in Schools Book-Part II
17. Touch Safety/ Flirting vs Hurting
18. Digital and Social Media Safety and Etiquette
19. Middle School Career Day
20. Career Exploration-Career Assessment Survey
21. “Looking at Careers”-
22. Career Bingo III